✖ ★ Quotes ★ ✖

✖ "The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else in return."

✖ "Don't say you love me unless you really mean it, cause I might do something crazy like believe it."

✖ "It's hard to tell your mind to stop loving someone when your heart still does."

✖ "Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change. - Stephen Hawking

✖ "Pain is a beautiful thing, when you feel pain you know you`re alive." Criss Angel

✖ It is really sad you are searching for emo quotes. Such thing doesn't exist!! [haha]

Thursday, June 04, 2009


today i woke up around 10 am in the morning..
then felt very boring..
so i decide to watch "不能说的秘密" again..
the story quite nice..i reali like it so much..
i had watched so many times..
i like tis movie so much!!
it made me cried..

"能够遇见你,已经是很不可思议了" - 路小雨

“年轻人要听多点音乐,这样才不会胡思乱想” - 叶湘伦的爸爸

小雨: “eh,你怎么都不说话啊?”
湘伦: “反正我问你什么,你都说是秘密啊。”
小雨: “。。。”
湘伦: “那你喜欢那个音乐家?”
小雨: “都喜欢啊。”
湘伦: “那你喜欢晴天还是雨天?”
小雨: “都喜欢啊。”
湘伦: “好吧。你琴还弹得不错哦。”
小雨: “是厉害。”
湘伦: “是厉害。。”
小雨: “呵呵。”
湘伦: “下次弹给我听好不好?”
小雨: “不行喔。”
湘伦: “没关系,我迟早会知道的。”

小雨: “吓到你了吧?”
湘伦: “吓到了。你今天早上为什么没来上课呵?”
小雨: “我刚刚去练琴啊。怎么样想我啊?”
湘伦: “想啊。。。想你的音乐。”
小雨: “可是我是想你的。。。音乐。”
湘伦: “今天天气好好哦。”
小雨: “今天天气好好哦。”
湘伦: “走吧。。。你家有几个人啊?”
小雨: “我家?就我跟我妈啊。那你叻?”
湘伦: “就我跟我爸啊。”
小雨: “就我跟我爸啊。。你很爱学人叻?”
湘伦: “真的嘛!”
小雨: “呵!那你爸做什么的啊?”
湘伦: “你不知道喔?”
小雨: “我怎么会知道哦?”
湘伦: “好啊,不知道就算了啊?”
小雨: “这有什么好秘密的?”
湘伦: “你有秘密,我就不能有秘密哦?”

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