✖ ★ Quotes ★ ✖

✖ "The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else in return."

✖ "Don't say you love me unless you really mean it, cause I might do something crazy like believe it."

✖ "It's hard to tell your mind to stop loving someone when your heart still does."

✖ "Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change. - Stephen Hawking

✖ "Pain is a beautiful thing, when you feel pain you know you`re alive." Criss Angel

✖ It is really sad you are searching for emo quotes. Such thing doesn't exist!! [haha]

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

~ boring ~

今天当我要去补习的时候,我看到我最爱的她和她妹走路回家。我那时多开心当我见到她。但是她确没望我一眼。我没生气她,只是有点伤心吧了。但是能见到她我已经很满足了。今天8.39 p.m. 我打给我最爱的她。但是她妈说她睡着了。没关系啦。只是有点伤心。晚安。宝贝老婆,我爱你。muack...好久没对我最爱的她这样说了。我看以后也没这个机会了。思颖,给我一次和你在回一起的机会,好吗?我永远爱你一个!!

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