✖ ★ Quotes ★ ✖

✖ "The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else in return."

✖ "Don't say you love me unless you really mean it, cause I might do something crazy like believe it."

✖ "It's hard to tell your mind to stop loving someone when your heart still does."

✖ "Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change. - Stephen Hawking

✖ "Pain is a beautiful thing, when you feel pain you know you`re alive." Criss Angel

✖ It is really sad you are searching for emo quotes. Such thing doesn't exist!! [haha]

Thursday, September 24, 2009

post 93th

minggu ni kan x de benda buat~
bosan nak mampus~
x de mood nak belajar juga~
dah khamis~
tapi buku tidak aku sentuh sekalipun~
mcm mana ni??
comfirm fail dlm exam yang coming soon ni~
celaka betul~
x de $$$$ juga~
my life is 'hisap'[suck] yo~
tengok lah~
lepas cuti ni~
pergi sekolah juga sial lar~
nampak cikgu tu aku pun dah meluat~
tiap2 hari jumpa dia~
dia x boring aku dah bosan nak jumpa dia~
tapi apa boleh buat??
kena study juga~
x tau mcm mana nak cakap lar~
itu saje~
lepas cuti ni~
aku x mau jumpa dia lar~
tolong kirim salam kat cikgu tu ye~

En Kabur kabur jatuh by~


~*+!@_branson_@!+*~ said...

ops.... kabur2~

relax dude,we all know who is dat teacher larh~
dun so kek sim k~

chill bro~
bran aka CEO wux here~


★ ivan【衰蛋『aKa』小强】 ★ said...

tengok mcm mana dulu ye..
aku sumbat obor2 kat mulut kau baru tau~

~*+!@_branson_@!+*~ said...

obor2 x bleh mkn a~
x sodap poon~
sry ix minat obor2~
